Find Your True Alignment
When you chose to work with me; I promise to help guide you by creating a safe space to allow re-connection to parts of yourself you may have forgotten. Your wisdom, inner strength and your courage, just to name a few. Based on my experiential knowledge and professional training as a Yoga Therapist, my intention is to offer you new tools to re-build and transform your relationship with your body and ultimately, your Self.
Yoga Therapy is a holistic wellness approach empowering and supporting individuals to manage their own health using the principles of Yoga. Tools that may be used during a Yoga Therapy session include: gentle asana (postures), pranayama (breath awareness and techniques), mudra (gestures), mantra (chanting), visualisation, relaxation, meditation, lifestyle counselling and self-development guidance.
At the essence of Yoga Therapy is the re-connection of Mind, Body and Spirit. Yoga encourages us to tap into our deep well of inner wisdom and has the potential to replace a dependency on external validation by supporting a more internal relationship of trust and gratitude for the body and mind.
Benefits of Yoga Therapy in relation to Mental Health optimisation include:
Learning to trust & show up for yourself
Learning to set personal boundaries
Improved ability to focus
Establishing a healthy relationship with your mind & body
Feeling emotions within the body as they occur & staying present with them
Cultivating a compassionate mindset towards yourself and others
Expanding your world beyond food, symptoms and body image
Complement traditional forms of treatment & therapy
Celebrating victories every step of the way!
Finding your inner resilience – your True Alignment
Manage depression & anxiety
Creating new coping strategies
Filling up your own cup; before everyone else's
Improved mood & decreased irritability
Stilling the eating disorder ‘voice'
Improved overall sense of self-worth
Learning to accept all aspects of yourself; not just the parts you think others ‘should’ see
Breaking the dependence loop: Food/Need for Control/Unhealthy Relationships/Substances
Diminished impulsivity; relieving the ‘Quick Fix/Grasping’ mentality​

Emotional & physical burn out
Anxiety & stress
Body acceptance & body awareness
Eating disorder relief
Substance misuse relief
Supporting the Primary Carer
Life transitions
Sleep trouble - Jet Lag, Insomnia
Chronic fatigue
Creating new self-care practices
Learning to trust your own inner guidance
Locating emotions with your body
Understanding your mind, body, spirit connection

Yoga Therapy asks that both the therapist and client have the same intention: to reduce the client’s suffering as they move forward on their healing journey. Meaning it is vital the client is prepared to do their inner work with the guidance of the therapist. Yoga Therapy is a self-empowering modality based on ancient yogic philosophy.
Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘UNION’ so ultimately, we look to bring the client back into union with themselves - at all levels. Body, Mind and Spirit.
Unlike a group yoga class, we will work together 1 on 1, personally or virtually.
Additionally, unlike traditional forms of therapy, we will not narrowly focus on your specific symptoms. Instead, we will extend the realm of healing beyond negative patterns and encourage resilience. Infusing your recovery with new thought processes, vitality, and inspiration. Helping you live a life in True Alignment with your Sacred Self.
If you are curious as to whether Yoga Therapy is for you, I encourage you to book a no-fee, no obligation phone call. This is an introductory discussion giving you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
Please note, treatment is not provided on this call.
Regardless of your yoga experience, I believe there is so much this healing modality can offer and it would be my honour to guide you along your path of self-empowerment.
Book an Appointment
Choose a time that works for you and book easily online here!